IC's from pre-pro to amp

Sugestions for cheap ic's to connect my processor to multi-ch pwr amp...looking for something neutral. Using monoprice now...don't hate me...I already feel bad enough about it. Thanks.
Not sure what is "cheap", but I'd go for PNF Audio. Precision A or ICON either one will probably give you great results. Best cables I've ever found for the dollar spent.
Thanks for suggestions people...The 40-60 dollar a pr new or prev owned is what I am budgeting. Thing is with prev owned is not getting them all at once. I would have quite a bit invested as I need seven singles (or 3 pr 1 single) from processor to amp...another eight (or 4 pr) for analog out of oppo 83 to pre....it adds up quickly. I might just go all Bluejeans as I could order custom lengths and pay a flat shpng for it all. I could then afford a 'better' set of stereo rca for the 2ch outs of oppo for stereo listening.
This cabling affair can get pricey?

No kidding!

It will unlock the best your gear has to offer, however, by investing wisely on them.

If you have HDMI in your proc/receiver/pre do use that interface. That one item will save you a lot of $$$. With HDMI it takes a pretty fine cable to outperform it, think $500+ with analog RCA, a bit more for XLR.

Unless you aim to use the Oppo with two different pre/pros, there's little sense in adding another set of RCA/XLR for 2 ch playback.

I tend to use a more resolute set of ICs on sources. Thereafter one can stay with the same models, or sometimes take a step down.

I've not tried the BJ wires myself... nor the Signal Cables, and I hear/read more positive accounts of the SC wires over the BJ cables... for what ever that's worth.

Only lately and in only my HT setup, have I looked into using very affordable cables. Naturally I've been curious enough to exchange about both systems what ever wires I bring in. The info on Mr. Fritz website regarding his series III silver& copper wires is quite accurate.

Were it me, I'd simply opt to get a pr a month or so and get off the cable treadmill for a while... but as 'Bomonomics' continue to influence our buying habits, I can dig saving dough now.

If there is a trial period with BJ and I kknow there is with AA, get a set of each and see for yourself, and/or with some other makers as well. Send back those you don't like. That's the sure fire way to know what's what!

It may take a month or so to be done with it but you'll wind up buying the best for the system for now anyways.

Don't bring in more than a couple at a time though, as they take time to run in and things get confusing... for me, 2 pr at a time works.
Good luck

I plan on getting a set of the Auvio's tomorrow if posible, in these parts.

I'll get back up here and relate what I think of them in a couple weeks.

Can you compare them to other cables? Like Cardas, Synergistic, AZ, MIT, or HT?

I need a pr for cable box to preamp for the music ch's.