IC's from pre-pro to amp

Sugestions for cheap ic's to connect my processor to multi-ch pwr amp...looking for something neutral. Using monoprice now...don't hate me...I already feel bad enough about it. Thanks.

Listening to them now... in my BR HT rig in place of the TOS link from the cable box.

I can find nothing overtly wrong with them in this application. Versus the TOS they are a touch more restrictive to volume flow, and come off as being more refined than the cheap plastic optical cable, as the Auvions aren't quite so forceful sounding.

I'll slip them into the other two rigs later today and see a bit more of their talents or shortcomings.

truth be told though... given the $19.95 price tag for six fet of RCA cabling which offers secure connectors and a flexible inobtrusive and compliant esthetic.... I doubt seriously these will wind up being taken back to the store. in fact I was thinking I could get two more sets for reintegrating my VCR, or 3rd Zone out.

I've no issues at all with these cables. My main interest will be comparijng to the Micro Pearls and Audio Art cables.

With not quite a whole week of playing time on the RS cables, they need a hour or two to get up to speed as they start off a bit muted and fuzzy... after a half hr. they tighten right up. Still more time and they open up very well... and they are quite balanced.

I doubt seriously though that I'll be exchanging out some of the more pricey wires I own for these. But as time passes and I get a run of nothing to do and think of these I might yet see how they fare aginst them. I suspect though, what will be found has been found out already, the Auvion ... Blue Jeans... DH Labs... etc., wires in the $200 & under categories are all going to be close calls as to overall performance ratings. They are all adequate. Good useable interfaces to get going with initially.

In some cases budget cabling might be the final stop for a system wiring solution. Other factors come into play then however.... like materials, shielding and termination, along with the usual suspects of electronic & electrical variables.

Like so many other's here, much time was spent on trying out this wire or that for this item or another, in order to find a better fitting interconnect. Thru all those instances and trials I found out a common thread. To a point, nearly any cable will do.... and as the prices elevate, by and large so does performance.

The problem for us all is figuring out the who's 'better' part. So we pick nits. We find something we feel is both affordable and operationally sound and we then promote it’s virtues as it relates to our own preffs and the particular application… albeit, one man’s poison is another man’s bread & butter.

I feel thus far until you get into the $500 & up MSRP range for wires per pr., things remain more confusing and clouded and there's lots of choices which will play out just fine for their owners. Those I’ve not pursued in that range was not due to the overall level of performance, but instead, due to the sort of presentation and how that aspect fitted into the presiding affair.

That should be more than evident to anyone who has gotten on & off the cable treadmill for any length of time. It's obvious to me, that is for sure. Merely look at the choices posted in this thread alone. Morrow. Signal. Audio Art. Kinber. obviously those are working for their owners now!

It's a simple matter... which difference and which cost will you choose for your own needs?

IMHO.... for $20 the Auvions are no brainers. Period.

Want more? Spend more.

When I find a < $250 set of cables which outperform anything else priced above them, I’ll happily exchange out everything I own by way of wires to get those.
PNF Audio, best I've found for the dollar spent. ICON's are killer but the Precison A's are also great, about 90% of the performance at a lower price. You'll be hard pressed to find a better cable even if you spend a LOT more money!


I injected the Auvions into a step up rig.. my office system… yesterday. I used them as main ICs from Bel Canto DAC3 to Onkyo 805 reciever, which drives former flagship speakers from Phase Tech PC 10.5’s via SR Alpha Quad biwire cables. They took the place of my Goertz Micro Pearls, former Stereophile suggested cables….

Well, I’m still impressed. With the RS wires ni their new digs I was able to reconfigure some settings on my music server + JR MC 14 MP and all to the better. The resolution was improved and the apparent fuzziness I was getting in the other rig was … well, the other rig, and not the cables themselves.

Although detail did not seem immensely increased the resolution seemed to acquire more fluidity and coherence. I feel they were far more engaging than the somewhat starker sounding Pearls. One noticeable item that came to me as I listened further on was the music developed out of a darker backdrop thereby illuminating the artists and instruments better. The involvement factor appreciated severely too as I kept playing file after file of varying genres. Mostly live recordings of acoustic music, then later on some live Rock & roll. Across the gamut I feel these are as good a pick in the under $100 or so arena as any other cable I’ve since used.

It sounds weird to me to expand this much on such inexpensive interconnects, yet it also should indicate something about their performance and value quotient too.

Not cutting them in half, I suspect these RS Auvion ICs are merely coaxial RCA cables given their heft and flexibility. They feel too light to have much actual wire within them and don’t bend like they do either… feeling way more like standard coax RG 56 or 59 cabling instead.

I’m almost afraid to replace my Nirvana SX Ltd or Magic IIs with them! But I will soon… I’m a little too curious now to not. … but that will be a while as I’ve ordered another digital IC to try out first in place of my Stereovox XV2.

So if $$$$ matters…. One could do lots worse than to try out the RS Auvions for $20 per pr!

Sheesssh… I’ve paid more than that for lunch.
Thanks for the further update - but I think there is no "n" in the brand name - I think it is just "Auvio". Will be interested to hear further reviews.