Aftermarket power cable for power conditioner?

I already have aftermarket power cables for my preamp and power amp. Should I also add an aftermarket cable to my PS Audio Quintet power conditioner, or is there no point?
Dgaylin, You missed my point. I never said power cords don't make a difference and I use the best speaker cable and interconnects I can find to match my system.

What I am saying is before automatically thinking you need a different power cord look for the real reason you are not satisfied with the sound.

Stop being lazy and learn about your system and your room.

Rrog -- my response was to Macdadtexas, and I wasn't taking issue with your post. And for the record I think Macdadtexas is a good dude, even if we disagree on powercords.

But since you thought I was, let me note that I don't disagree with what you said particularly. My experience is different than yours in that most (but not all) of the power conditioners I have tried have had positive effects in my system, but that doesn't mean we disagree there.

But if you try to find the best speaker cable and interconnects you can find to match your system, and you agree that power cords make a difference, than why not also find the best power cords (within your budget) to match your system too?

And why assume that the power cord (unlike the speaker cable or interconnect match) is a band aid fix to something else inherently wrong. Learning about your system and your room is important for making any system chagnes. But of course one of the only ways to do this is to experiment, which can include -- among other things -- trying different power cords.

For my part, when I have tried different power cords it has not been because I was particularly unhappy about some aspect of the sound of my system, it was because I was interested in learning what a different cord (or speaker cable or interonnect) might do to change (hopefully in a positive way) the sound.
thanks Eliz for the warning about the bare wires-I have all the trouble I need with the covered ones.
Ok, my turn. I may have had to read 19 posts but taken in bits and pieces there are folk with my ideas and priorities. It's just that nobody wants to be told what we spend our bucks on is stupid or---. I just bought the Tee version of the Audience and it comes with their E power cord. That should be good enough for me. While I love my system----well I guess it's like girls----ask Tiger.
Ggaylin, You made a very good point.
I keep an open mind and I will try anything if I think it will improve the sound.
How many remember the $1.20 tweak. It involves 4 quarters and 2 dimes which makes $1.20. The quarters are placed in the front left and right corners of the speaker and the dimes are place in the center between the quarters at the front edge of each speaker.
Try this and listen for a while. Then remove the coins and see if you hear a difference. This would work best on a conventional speaker cabinet. I don't think it would work on Vandersteens.
You have nothing to lose by trying it. If you don't hear a difference you still have your $1.20.
I tried this on a pair of JBL L-300 speakers when I was using a single ended amp. It was in the early days of single ended and there wasn't much in the way of speakers for low powered amplifiers yet. The L-300 turned out to be a good choice with it's high quality drivers using Alnico magnets and it was truly a full range speaker. Anyway, the $1.20 tweak made more than a noticable difference on that speaker.

There was another tweak that was very affective. Does anyone know what happened to Microscan? It was a devise that attached to the back of the speaker cabinet to absorb cabinet resonance. This was a very good and powerful devise. I used them with terrific results and I gave a pair to a friend who attached them to the bass cabinets on his Martin Logan Monoliths and he said it was the biggest improvement he had ever made to any system.
Microscans disappeared for a while then came back under another name, I believe it was Technisonic. If anyone has information about this product I would appreciate hearing about it.

By the way, I do have a favorite power cord that comes in a variety of types and sizes. The name is Beldon.