Very interesting radio shack vs. audioquest

I was having trouble with my amp and while troubleshooting i thought it was the cables or spades. i went to radio shack and got cheap wire. OMG the radio shack sounds much better to me than my audioquest bedrock. hmmmm


IF you can't hear the difference (s) DON'T pay the difference.

I think there's a decided difference between listening to short term A/B testing of cables, and long term testing/listening to cables, for one thing.

I feel the recent interconnect cable version that RS offers for $20 @ 6ft. are great. Not the last word in ICs for sure, but definite no brainers in the < $100 MSRP. Maybe it has something to do with the 'coaxial' build... I don't know.

They aren't as articulate as my Micro Pearls and are closer to the Audio Art cables in resolution, but a bit firmer overall.

They are definitely not close to the HT Magic II, nor SR Resolution Ref x2 active or any other upscale cabling I've encountered.

But for modest to mid level HT... a second or third system, or office rig, they are slam dunk wires. No kidding.
blindfold and have friend install and see what u all pick out..u will be amazed how this can effect your pocket and save a ton of cash
Alway thought this myself except certain cases when I sold Krell to friends and though our shop didn't have them got them some Cardas to tamp down mettalic nastiness in mids.But you can find some really good reviews of cheap stuff like Anti-Cables or even cheapy wire from Blue Jean and others.So many disagree but when you think of componets or room treaments to break up waves or dampen sound where it needs it or heavy bases/stands for wood floors spending money on cables is dumb.Always though of the major Kimber didn't insult you with product or prices but hey Home Depot 16 guage extension chord might work better than what some folks have hooked up.Like those Shakti Stones and other products not so much subjective B.S and self delusion as in cables.Given that I might want to try some sanely priced Zu cables if I had maybe Zu speakers.But they are not even the frosting on th cake they are the sprinkles.I will still try but buy on cheap an flip if they don't better the speaker wire,IC's and PC's I have.Really and insulting pat of high end if you look at some of the prices.A huge number of 'Gonner's would say I don't know crap though.
I was using Supra cables which are very reasonable cost. I was captivated by all the rave reviews and noise being made about Audience AU24 cables. I just had to have a pair to run with the "Real Audiophiles". I forked out a lot of money for the speaker cables and one set of IC's for my CD to preamp. After 2 months of break in and lots of listening I am pleased to tell you I am back to the Supras. I sold the Audience at a small loss and learned my lesson.....

Nuff' said.