Best Male & IEC plug for high current power cords?

What are the the best, most cost-effective MALE and IEC plugs for use in high current power cords, with tubes and with SS power amps? Detail, dynamics, balance and BLACK background! No hash or sibilance! ... Copper? Gold? Rhodium? Silver? ... Furutech? Oyaide? Wattgate? ... And the wires, shielded or unshielded?
IMO: Cost vs. performance, Furutech FI-11 terminations. Available in 3 flavors, bare copper, gold plated and silver plated.
But what effect do the flavors -- copper, silver, gold, rhodium -- have on the sound? And how well do they mate with different materials, for instance, copper wire and silver plugs, or silver wire and gold plugs, etc?
I would suggest you check out the cable asylum at AA & take notes. Seriously, there is a ton of info on all the things you mentioned-much more than can be covered in one thread.

I'm not passing the buck but you really need to do some homework, which may include actually trying some different PC's. There are so many variables to be considered-what gear are you using, your room, your AC and so on. They all combine to have an effect.