A lot of this stuff is like splitting hairs, that is, the differences can be extremely subtle. Also, the AC outlet and IEC in your components can affect things.
Most audio components use crappy (read cheap) IECs. You might consider replacing those as well in your quest. What outlets are you using?
As to your last post, there are just too many variables involved to make a blanket statement. The bottom line is, whatever works for you. There's certainly nothing "wrong" with the Neotechs, just a few details I personally don't like.
Most audio components use crappy (read cheap) IECs. You might consider replacing those as well in your quest. What outlets are you using?
As to your last post, there are just too many variables involved to make a blanket statement. The bottom line is, whatever works for you. There's certainly nothing "wrong" with the Neotechs, just a few details I personally don't like.