SR Tesla Apex- How Stiff?

I want to try a pair, into my monoblocks. Their position necessitates a fairly tight radius curve between them and the wall though(I've got about 7" back there). They appear pretty stout/stiff in the pics I've seen. There's no Synergistic dealer in the area in which I could check them out.
Well, in my opinion, they are very stiff. I had them at home on audition and it was a problem to fit them behind my rack, which is up to 10" to the wall. In terms of sound I was disappointed, in direct comparison to MIT Magnum MA and silver Kondo cables. But their speaker's cable (Tesla Apex) are great!
Well- That opinion DOES make me want to seek a way to audition them for myself. Guess I'll contact The Cable Company for some further info.
Rodman99999, I have both Accelerators and Apex and agree with Hasse. My Accelerators are not against a wall but extend about 7" back before heading sideways. The Apexs take at least 8". This stiffness is a result of the construction used.
Thanks guys- I was afraid that might be the case. Still, if their sound merits it, I suppose I could do some rearranging to accomodate them. Audition time(Just talked to The Cable Company)!