Has anyone tried the Shunyata Diamondback PC?

Currently breaking-in 3 Shunyata power cords, I swapped them with PS Audio AC-3 cords. I have heard different opinions concerning this cord and would like some feedback from other users of this cord or what they have learned about it. The price of the cords was $125 each, about the most I can afford.
I have not tried the Diamondbacks, but I have two old-model (lavender jacket from about nine years ago) Shunyata Sidewinder cables that can be had for around $125-$140 when they periodically crop up on Audiogon. I have used them with CD players, preamps and amps, all to good effect. Considering the price, to my ear they offer a surprising measure of the noise reduction and increased detail that Shunyata's more expensive cables provide. But they might not be for everyone. Your post spurred me to look at what people have said on audioreview.com, and there is a detailed review at the top of the list that I agree with. They are a touch forward, edgy and energetic, which I personally like.
I have posted previously on this cord.


Still using it and like it very much.
Thanks to all who have responded..

I have heard these cords serve well in video applications, even my dealer suggested I try them on my plasma, (that's not the response I was seeking). Anyway, as the cables continue to break in they are sounding better, but as noted above they are a bit forward and lack dynamics. Maybe more break-in time? I have around 150 hours on them and was told I should put on at least 300 hours before critical assessment. Any additional thoughts would be most welcome.
>Currently breaking-in 3 Shunyata power cords,

So you already bought them. I would have took two different cords for the same price $375, one more expensive than the other, more like $150 and $225, and trieng them in different locations, on amps, dacs, transports. Cords ACT differently in different places. But bringing "signature" character is common.

I have put my thoughts in the other thread.. played with Diamondback, Copperhead, Taipan Helix Alpha couple days ago.. I found Daimondback not very interesting cord, yes noise floor lowered a bit, bass got more punch.. but I found this very subtle, really not worthy, and instanty wanting to go one level up.

Interesting things happened with Copperhead, which widened the soundstage (kinda loose imaging, though) and gave base huge and most importantly NATURAL feeling slam. Thats was on DAC. Then I decided to bring back imaging, so Copperhead fit nicely on amp, maintaining wide soundstage, + SLAM. And then I brought back detailed precise imaging by putting my favorite DAC cable Kimber PK14 (ordinary, not GOLD version!). This way I felt the power cord loop was complete.

So my suggestions - always get at least two different power cords...so you be able to COMPARE, search for positions, and have more FUN.

I had the Diamondback in my system for over half a year. Things I found not to my liking:

1. The IEC connector doesn't fit snug in lots O' inlets.
2. It's way to stiff!

Ultimately, I noticed no difference between "it" or the stock pwr cords on my DAC and phono stage.