"Copper developes an oxide which acts as a protective layer which prevents futher oxidation"..AND prevents current flow. Copper oxydation is BAD for signal transfer. since the wire carries the signal ON THE SURFACE OF THE WIRE, and the wire has oxydation, it SUCKS at carrying the signal.
Oh please!
A surface layer of oxidation a few tens of molecules thick isn't going to have any appreciable effect whatsoever when it comes to current flow. Whatever effect it would have at reducing the cross sectional area of the wire would be totally swamped by differences due to simple manufacturing tolerances.
For that matter, it would also be swamped by the effective reduction of cross sectional area due to skin effect and proximity effect.
Worrying about a bit of oxidation is like worrying about whether your wire is 24 gauge or 24.0001 gauge. Are you really telling people that they have to worry about something as utterly insignificant as that? Really?
And no, the signal is NOT carried on the surface of the wire. Signal current flows throughout the entire cross section of the wire. While skin effect will tend to cause the current density to be somewhat higher TOWARD the surface of the wire, all of the current flows WITHIN the wire. And a little bit of oxidation isn't going to have any appreciable effect on that whatsoever.
Nice you put a LINK. so the crazy know where to blow money spent foolishly
Why do you feel the need to engage in personal attacks against those who might enjoy using some vintage wire in their audio systems? And what do you care how they spend their own money?
I suspect a conspiracy here to start selling some crap useless wire to unsuspecting audiophools.
It's hardly useless as it works just fine, though again, I wouldn't recommend using it for power cables as it was never made for that purpose in the first place and can pose some serious safety issues.
You really need to loosen your sphincter a few... dozen notches. Getting your panties all in a bunch just because someone else might enjoy something that you would not isn't healthy.