NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??

I see that some people are starting to use this wire for speaker cables and ac power cables. Is anyone here using this wire? How does it compare to the cables on the market today? THANK YOU
Simply Q, you are "hiding in the shadows."

You give either hit and run or avoidance answers to specific questions.

My guess is that I'm not the only person on this thread that would like to know the name of your company and have the address of your company's website.

What are you hiding from?

We didn't ask for advertisements or a copy of your last year's income tax statement.

As for listing all the forums you've been a part of for so many years, all that means is you've had access to a computer for that many years and have potentially been criticizing some and misleading others for that long.

Not what I would call something to put on a resume.

FYI, I don't go on forums to promote my company. As a matter of fact I RARELY go on forums at all.

On this thread people gave my company's name, my eBay listing, and my website address and made accusations about my power cords bursting into flames.

I wouldn't even have noticed it if it wasn't for SEVERAL of my loyal customers sending me e-mails with a link to this thread.

Then you attacked me over several things that I wrote and we were off and running.

How about answering a some SPECIFIC questions:

Have you ever heard any of (my) Mojo Audio's products?

Have you ever heard any of Tripoint's products?

Have you ever heard a .005pf isolation transformer such as the Topaz and Xentec that we have been discussing?

What magnet based technology audiophile products have you heard?

What is the criteria you use to evaluate the products you sell? (For this I would expect a long answer)

Do you believe that what you read on technical analytical gear (like an oscilloscope or distortion analyzer) tells the whole story of how gear sounds?

If you include the name of your company and your website address that would make 7 simple questions.

Inquiring minds want to know.

BTW, Mitzar was referring to a specification from the website of Topaz where THEY state a -136db noise reduction.

I don't know exactly what this means but any REASONABLE person would assume that it OVERLAPS not ADDS TO the noise of the system which makes it totally valid.
Now, what it CAN do is help reduce noise from the single most common source of noise in audio systems, and that's interchassis leakage currents in the safety ground lead of the power cables.

Exactly, and while I agree it's a band aid, it's a rather inexpensive yet effective tweak with a much better cost to benefit ratio than a product that costs $8k - $12k. I'm not saying the Tripoint products don't work, but they're priced for those with much deeper pockets than most of us. For those on a more modest budget the Granite Audio Ground Zero provides a similar solution at a much lower cost.

The real culprit is the safety ground.

And it's only required on equipment chassis that don't meet Class II (double insulated) standards.

The manufacturers of low- and mid-fi gear have been designing their chassis to meet Class II specs for decades, and is why you see none of it come with three prong cords.

However the so-called "high-end" manufacturers have yet to figure this out and three prong cords are ubiquitous, even on equipment which may well meet Class II specs. So instead they foist three prong plugs on everyone along with the problems they can bring about.

Ayre is one company that double insulates its equipment chassis. Charles Hansen has posted numerous times on Audio Asylum his views on ground noise.

In my system I have a few components that use two prong attached cords. I also have lifted the grounds off the three prong cords by disconnecting the ground wire altogether, except the one for my power amp.
The fact that Miguel has sold quite a few Troy units (an owner of which now owns 3 Mojo audio power cords AND is looking for an isolation TX) should attest to the fact that it is worth $12k in enough systems for him to be able to sell it.

I mentioned earlier I can believe his products work, I certainly know he spent a lot of time in R&D, but to state that something is worth X number of dollars just because it sells isn't necessarily true.

As to the owner you mentioned, why after spending all that money on a Tripoint product would they need to look for an isolation transformer? I would have expected at their price point that the Tripoint products would be the last word in lowering the noise floor.

FWIW I have had Topaz isolation transformers in my system. I do believe they lower the noise floor, but in some environments they create noise as well. After all they are transformers. I will say this, isolation transformers offer a much higher cost/benefit ratio than many high dollar power products on the market.

Just like some cable manufacturers, some people that manufacture power products are riding an incredible marketing wave.
BTW, the actual DEFINITION of "worth the money" would be if people are willing to pay for something.

To me a diamond is just a pretty piece of compressed carbon and worth relatively little.

Obviously I'm a minority when it comes to the value of a diamond.

I've heard people talk about how this or that product are not "worth the $$$" such as Mac computers or Mercedes Benz cars.

Then again, I don't hear that from the people that can afford to buy them only from the people that can't.

It is a VERY different story when I hear a person who has OWNED a Mercedes or a Porsche and has the means to purchase another one tell me they prefer the Toyota they now drive then a person that sits back and judges value on things that are out of their price range.

As an audiophile we all know how much more it costs for relatively subtle improvements in sound quality.

The only fair way to judge if a company's products are "worth the $$$" would be to see if they stay in business or not.
Simply q , "works" means it musically sounds better or more pleasing in your system. You have to have that defined,...really? When it does not work it simply means whatever you changed makes it sound not as musically pleasing.
Now I am sure you figure a way to argue about that too.
You are a funny guy. Yes you do seem to want to argue crazy things.
You might not think so but .... No matter. Every forum has someone like you.