I am glad you added your experience with these cables. I have not come to any definite conclusion yet. I too am willing to give them a thorough breaking-in before I make my final assessment. In my system, the Anti Cables have added more resolution (clarity) in the upper-midrange, which I originally found to be very appealing. I believe that this added clarity benefits my speakers, which are slightly rolled off in the midrange. This rolled off midrange has always allow for a very rich sound (“warm” if you will). This warmth always attributed to a very smooth sound. While the extended resolution, or clarity, in the upper-midrange is quite apparent with the Anti Cables in place, I am now beginning to wonder if this is necessarily better (it certainly is different).
I would have to say, that if the sound stage didn’t narrow, as it has with the Anti Cables; and if the lower bass extension wasn’t decreased, as it is with the Anti Cables; then the added midrange clarity that the Anti Cables impart on my system would lead me believe the change was/is for the definite better. It’s the tradeoff that I am not too keen on (isn’t that always the case).
I am going to experiment with how I interface at the speakers to see if I can retain the clarity but add to the bass extension (i.e.: by going directly to the low frequency posts and then jumping to the high frequency posts). Even if I can accomplish this, there’s still the case of the diminished soundstage (or, more specifically, the “changed” soundstage).
While I have definitely lost soundstage width, I have gained greater depth with the Anti Cables. For some, this may be a fair tradeoff. As I stated above, however, the depth actually tends to put the central image (most notably, the vocals) too far into the background for my liking; this does provide great three-dimensionality though. Time will tell if the proper burn-in can alleviate some of these issues.
I’d appreciate it if you could continue with your assessment of what happens in your system.