I2S Cable

anyone know of anyone willing/able/knowlegeable enough to make a cable to connect the I2S out from an Audio Alchemy DTI Pros32 to the I2S in on a Muse Model 2+? The longer story is under the digital forum. Thanks.
Thanks for that. See the challenge is that the Audio Alchemy piece has one fitting at the end while the Muse has a DB25 connection at the other. The PS Audio is an HDMI format -- which would be a third iteration.
while I doubt they will have anything stock for this application I would guess they would be able to custom make something for you:


they DO have replacement i2S for Audio Alchemy gear

good luck!

Careful with Revelation Audio Labs. Search the archives here and on Audio Asylum before you purchase anything from them.

That being said they made an I2S cable for me for my North Star combo. I think the challenge here is the different connectors but I suppose a competent cable manufacturer could make it work.