Home Depot speaker cable, which one to buy

there are so many posts regarding Home Depot speaker wire that it is not clear which one to buy (as recommended by TAS). Does anyone know?

Also has anyone compared it to Anticable or Morrow? What are the differences?

Any info appreciated


Phil, do this. Buy a speaker cable from any well known and talked about brand...anticables as an example OR any other brand you see advertised here. Make sure it has a satisfaction guaranteed return warranty. Then get cheap wire from HD. Don’t they (TAS) recommend a certain extension cord from their article? Try it out. See what you think. If you can go an extra step, buy some expensive speaker cabling, again with the satisfaction guarantee implication, and see if it is worth it. Hell, pay with a credit card...then returning the item won't be a hassle. Now here is the clincher...get someone else to connect the cabling without you knowing which one is being used. I would love to hear about your findings.
The speaker cable recommended by Paul Seydor of The Absolute Sound was
Home Depot's 14 gauge outdoor extension cord, notable for its orange and
black cover --hence the "HD-14" and "Halloween cable"
names that got affixed to it. A 50-foot cable cost under 20 bucks and you just
cut it to length.

Trouble is, the cable that Seydor recommended is not what Home Depot sells
today. I've compared them visually and they're not even made in the same
country. Whether today's "HD-14" is the same as what you got in
2004 is impossible to tell. But that "old" stuff was damn good. I used it
for almost two years, covered with black Techflex so it didn't scream HOME
DEPOT at me :-)
everything you guys say makes sense to me. I was just trolling for something really cheap but will probably just buy some Morrow cable.

I agree with LP. Do a true blind test and let us know if you can hear a difference. Remember you can't know which is connected.
When I first hooked up my system i used wire from wally world.Shortly after i bought audioquest slate cable.I hooked up one of each.The side with the wally cable you could not even tell was playing.So yes cables can make a big difference. I tried Tara labs SPACE AND TIME NEXT.And also van den hul.Not much difference between these cables. Last week I bought A pair OF Aural Thrills Ubyte one meter cables.The change in my system was jaw dropping.