Best Phono Cable for SME Series V

I have recently acquired an SME Series V tonarm and would like to replace a) the standard tonearm wire with a high-quality phono cable to connect the tonearm with my phono pre (Omtec Antares CP-1i V4). I was told Cardas Golden Reference is nice as well as the products from Furutech and Nordost.
Furthermore I would like to replace the four tiny cables which connect the cartridge (Lyra Delos) with the tonearm itself (are these tiny cables available from different manufacturers?).
Any recommendations ? Thanks!
Hi I used to have a SME IV.Vi with Lyra Skala.

I tried the vDH cable, the Graham IC50, Purist Venastas and Purist Proteus Provectus (both Praesto and non praesto versions).

The Purist Audio Designs Proteus Provectus Praesto is by far my favorite. Incredibly silent, transparent, extended, natural, loads of detail, but a natural presentation. It is very hard to beat at any price. It definately goes in a "best list"

I've since sold my SME, but still using the Lyra Skala and Purist cable on a Tri Planar arm (special factory order with din)

I am still using the
Once again, I concur with Jfrech entirely regarding the Proteus Provectus, though my version just precedes his Praesto version. In my SME IV.Vi tonearm it provides wonderful musicality, truthful timbres and a natural sense of ease. As close as I've ever gotten to the sound of a live concert. And it gets the violin right(at least in my system)if you like listening to that instrument in particular. I previously enjoyed the Cardas Golden Reference very much, but the PP took me to a higher level of satisfaction. The price difference between the two is quite substantial however, so you might want to give the Cardas a try first via The Cable Company. It offers very nice, full bodied sound with the SME. Incidentally, I also use the SME IV.Vi tonearm as Jfrech once did.
The OEM SME vdH cable sucks. Sounds like you're listening through a blanket.

The PAD cables are great. I can only afford the Venustas, but John has gone right up through the line, so you can believe him when he says they get even better.

Cardas GR, Graham IC50, Hovland Music Groove 2 aren't bad. used to be the three best.

Sleeper of the year at $600 (you can audition one for free) is the Silver Breeze from Silver Audio I would have bought one if I hadn't accidentally scored a Venustas @ CES for about the same price)

I haven't heard either Siltech's or Stereovox's phono cables, but at $4k+ and $2K+ respectively, they better be good ;-)

For headshell leads, there are so many good ones. Cardas, vdH Litz or SME Litz (same part), Audioquest, Sumiko, Nerve, Jelco, Ortofon . . . . . I'd go with the vdH/SME or the Cardas (after checking with Lyra ;--) but more important, if your tonearm is older than ~10yrs (not exactly sure, email the factory and check the serial number) you should do the the internal wiring upgrade, to the newer vdH MCS 150 silver Litz. I did mine and it made an audible difference. The factory will service the arm and install the new wire for around $350.
Purist Proteus Provectus using this on my Graham Phantom2 wonderful great staging quiet great bass etc.
Hi Nsgarch: my SME V is from 2008. Regarding the headshell leads Ikeda silver wire was highly recommended to me by a dealer. I have talked to Chris from Stereolab - they do not officially build tonearm cables.

Given the excellent reputation of the PAD cables I will give them a trie. Has anybody ever experienced the bigger Nordost, Siltech or Stealth phono cables ?