Length of digital cable?

Picking up where I left off a year ago, somewhere on the net I ran into a recommended length of 18 ft of digital cable between transport and D/A converter. Various lengths were discussed and one source was very confident of the 18 ft length to successfully resolve jitter. And the Beldon 1694A was recommended. For $30+ or whatever I gave it a shot and was surprised by the quality of sound, and I swear on a stack of owners' manuals that this length with this brand of cable resolves jitter. The sound is rock solid gorgeous.

The Beldon lies behind the system mostly in a coil, and I think coils are probably not ideal. I'm wondering if anyone has found a shorter length that works. Al suggested 8", but I was unable to make it work because the components aren't close enough. I know that 1 ft" doesn't work and that 1 meter doesn't work.

Part 2: Does length of ethernet from computer to avr also affect jitter? My sister who is a computer person and not an audio person set up my avr with computer using cat 5. The sound quality is bad. I'd like to get good sound quality with computer as source down the road but need advice on how to get it.
Hi Al,

I need to order a second cable for a second system, so I will try a 1.5m length. With this 18 ft Beldon, I'm getting a smooth high end like analogue. I can live without stonishing detail if I have to but not the "digital-sounding" high end.

Further, I will work on RFI with tweeks--noise caps etc. Al, I have the strangest phenomenon. My hk990 was upstairs. When I would change sources, the middle LED's on the read-out would go out. When I powered off and on again, the lights were on again. I tried a different circuit but the issue was the same. My contact at hk said he thought it was really strange and had never heard of it but sent me a new amp. De javu all over again. I recently moved that system to the basement. Issue is gone.I haven't tried computer source in the basement yet. Might be improved.

I exagerate a little in regard to the sound quality of the computer source. It's not horrible. My sister doesn't notice the difference. A friend who is somewhat an audiophile does. But I take note of your comments.



Hi Lynne,

I have no thoughts about the HK990 issue.

Regarding the ethernet cable, I can recall a couple of members here whom I consider to be particularly credible reporting that upgrading their ethernet cables to SHIELDED CAT6 resulted in significant improvements. It wouldn't cost much to give it a try. Newegg.com is a good source.

The likelihood of that providing a benefit may depend, though, on the shielding (if any) and other characteristics of the mating jacks.

-- Al
HK990 issue was likely a ground-loop issue.

One must take care to use the optimum AC outlets and circuits for digital, particularly when the devices don't have galvanic isolation from each other. Never use two different phases from a panel and best to use the same circuit for all devices.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I was using separate circuits for digital and analogue. That is, transport was on separate circuit but was using the amp's onboard D/A converter. I do have all components on the same circuit in the basement.

I would like to try your cable. Will get in touch.

