goertz cables

Anybody using these?i just bought a pair of their interconnects.Any opinions?
I used the Goertz Boas as my reference for a very long time. I am going back to them with my current speaker project. I have found them to be the most balanced and neutral of any cables I have used (and it's a long list). The only time I didn't like them when was I had issues with other components in my lineup. The Goertz will tell you where your shortcomings are.

I used the ICs a long time ago and never liked them. The problem was the connector that Goertz uses is crappy. Using a pure copper connector and some vibrational damping material like what Mojo Audio uses is transformative.

I highly recommend goertz even over some of the very high-dollar cables I have had in my system over the years. Ironically, interconnects no longer make a difference in my system and I couldn't be happier about that.
I have the Veracity speaker cables, which I found nearly an exact match for Nordost Valhalla cables, as did, from memory, HP back in TAS around issue 106 or somewheres around there. It took vinyl playback to differentiate the Nordost from the Divinity line he was evaluating.
I find them extremely airy, excellent at allowing the soundstage to sound truly 3D from front to back (this was a system based on the First Sound Presence Deluxe MK. II, Nola Elite Plus (alnico tweeter as well), Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes, Meridian 508.24 (an excellent player at the whole 3D presenatation itself), Valhalla speaker cable and interconnects and Shunyata power cords. It was quite a pure, low-in-distortion presentation, with dynamics from very good to excellent across the frequency ranges and, as I said, almost indistinguishable from Nordost (in this case, more the speaker cable than the interconnects, which were, nonethless, very close to Valhalla. I agree with the other poster who thought the plugs were not up to the rest of the cable, but I'm speculating). As I recall, the interconnects were just a bit less fluid-sounding than Valhalla, but nothing else major. In fact, I used Valhalla interconnects and Goertz speaker cable and didn't have a second thought about not using the Valhalla speaker cable.
Their micro purl interconnects are a great bang for the buck. As mentioned above, their termination could be better though.