Can You Expalin Why Power Cables Do This?

It has to do with handling and connecting a power cable that's been "broken in" before but has been laying around out of use, and what happens once you reconnect the power cable and it "settles in." (It can be a power cord on an amplifier or cd player, etc.)

Why, when you first plug in many power cables in the situation above, do they start out adding more bass weight and clarity to the presentation (often, not always). Then the power cable goes through a (stabilization, "settling in") or whatever you call it. With this stabilizing or settling in, the original bass and weight dissipates. The original clarity dissipates. Within a day or two (or 3) after "settling in," when you listen to the system, the presentation has changed. Now the presentation has lost some of that clarity and bass weight from before (I guess audiophiles call this a "tightening" of the bass, and the dissipation of clarity is called what? (the highs getting smoother?)

What's happening? Any EE's out there with a not too technical explanation in laymen's terms that average folks can relate to about this "re-settling?" I wish "broken in" power cables, continued adding the good attributes to the system before and after "settling in." (you know, bass weight, clarity etc.) I'd like to keep those sonic qualities not lose them. What's happening?


So... IMHO... if you ain't encountering such audible shifting briefly or extensively, either your system lacks sufficient resolve, or your hearing is what has changed for the worse more than anything else.... OR you've simply detached from reality and refuse to accept what your ears are telling you..

The error of this is the assumption of actual audibility.

A perceived difference isn't necessarily due to an actual audible difference.

While it's true that we don't know everything, that doesn't mean we know nothing. And one thing we do know, and have known for quite a long time, is the role that psychology can play with regard to our subjective perceptions.

A fact that is routinely ignored, dismissed out of hand or simply denied by many. And until that ambiguity is adequately controlled for (beyond ego and vanity), then one can't come to any meaningful conclusions.
maybe all of the magic has left the cord, and you should send it back to the Magic Audio Shop on Diagon Alley (that's in London, btw) to have the power cord magic restored
Unfortunately, Macd's explanation is perhaps as plausible as any I can come up with other than its often us that change in terms of what we hear from day to day and not our devices.
Macdadtexas I safely assume you do NOT ever hear any differences in powercords right? They ALL sound the same?
Going from a stock, unshielded cable with poor connectors, to a basic shielded with good solid connectors (say a nice PS Audio or Signal Cable) definitely a positive step. After that, nothing, no matter how many I have heard.

Once the electrons get to the transformer/power supply in the gear cleanly, there has never been a change to my ear; in mine, or anyone elses' system.