Can You Expalin Why Power Cables Do This?

It has to do with handling and connecting a power cable that's been "broken in" before but has been laying around out of use, and what happens once you reconnect the power cable and it "settles in." (It can be a power cord on an amplifier or cd player, etc.)

Why, when you first plug in many power cables in the situation above, do they start out adding more bass weight and clarity to the presentation (often, not always). Then the power cable goes through a (stabilization, "settling in") or whatever you call it. With this stabilizing or settling in, the original bass and weight dissipates. The original clarity dissipates. Within a day or two (or 3) after "settling in," when you listen to the system, the presentation has changed. Now the presentation has lost some of that clarity and bass weight from before (I guess audiophiles call this a "tightening" of the bass, and the dissipation of clarity is called what? (the highs getting smoother?)

What's happening? Any EE's out there with a not too technical explanation in laymen's terms that average folks can relate to about this "re-settling?" I wish "broken in" power cables, continued adding the good attributes to the system before and after "settling in." (you know, bass weight, clarity etc.) I'd like to keep those sonic qualities not lose them. What's happening?


Simply_q; why not just say, because it is all in your head!

Well, when you get right down to it, it IS all in our heads as the entirety of our perceptions exist only in our minds.

But of course there is a difference between a perceived difference that's due to actual audible stimulus and one that's due to psychology alone, i.e. placebo effect and what have you.

I can't rightly say it's the latter because I don't know with a high degree of certainty that that's the case. Though with things such as cable break-in, where there's no physical evidence or even plausible theory to support it, it's certainly tending toward that direction.

But by the same token, those making unsubstantiated claims of actual audibility can't say such with any degree of certainty either. Of course THEY'RE certain of it. But stomping your feet and shouting doesn't make it the reality.
Blindjim, I appreciate you man! There are definitely sonic changes going on with the sound of my system after reinserting a power cord. I am equally sure that it's not just me as some here would imply. I know the sonics of my speakers way to well! IMO any variable that impacts the delivery or quality of the AC power to a component is going to affect the sonic presentation of the system.
How come the variability of the listener is never considered? Changes in hormone levels, sleep patterns, stress levels, diet, amount of physical activity (or lack of), illnesses, exposure to noise, emotional stability, blood pressure, recent sexual activity, etc. all could have as much effect on the sound of a high quality music reproduction system as the break-in phenomena with a power cord. But that would shift the focus away from the equipment onto the self. You can always buy another power cord, but it's a lot harder to "upgrade" your own self.
Onhwy61, you make valid points. I agree with you that it's very likely that there are human and physical variables affecting mine and others hearing at certain intervals in the listening experience. But each time I add in a power cord that was out of duty I hear it affect the system sound which does not stabilize for a time lasting generally more than a day or 2. This occurrence has been consistent. I have had over 20 aftermarket power cords at one time or another over the past 5 years.