I sometimes wish I never had heard diffs from power cables. It costs a lot less to live without that knowledge.
Im not tickled with being told Im imagining things or am delusional . Even in a nice way.
I would not be so adamant about my experiences were they not my own true experiences.
BTW As it turns out the world is not flat afterall. Go figure. Heart breaking news for some, but boat sales are now booming as the result..
It isnt what we dont know that can be quite troublesome to us, its what we know that just aint so, that causes us the greatest burdens.
Whatever allows for anyone their peace with the how's and why's of those things they experience in life, is OK by me.
At times, we don't know enough to open our minds to some other answer than those we can rationalize or justify.
I don't know exactly why there are changes with power cables and/or cables in genral, when new or when reinserted into a system... I just know that there are.
As much as knowledge can be reassuring, some will even say it is power, it can as well, become a barrier. Another item it can become is just plain unnecessary.
Ive no clue about how a plasma TV actually works, bringing an image onto its screen but it does and thats good enough for me.
Again, sometimes one just has to take things at face value and accept them for what they are . Thats true too for what some other may say that they have seen or heard. If I wasnt there, at that exact same time, how then, can I possibly refute it legitimately?