Pleasant surprises, what have you run across?

Not a biggie, but the other day I am working on a pair of speakers(Infinity 2.5, new surrounds) and while having them disconnected from my main system, I hooked up a pair of Epi M50's to it because it was quick and so I could have music during the repair. Now of course I had heard them before, used them in other rooms, etc. But I was just tremendously surprised again about how good an inexpensive(yes cheap)speaker could sound when hooked up to some decent gear(Perreaux SM2/3150,Elite DV 09, Scott 350B). Then I got to thinking about other pleasant surprises like the 1st Sonus Blue label, 1st real sound system,an AR System with AR 2AX's, 1st Advents,1st Stereo 70(about 1980), 1st Scott 350B(just recently) and some others. And now I wonder if any of the rest of you would share that experience, be interesting to read.
Synergistic Research Active Shielding on their inter-connects was the most significant upgrade I've ever made, and if the wall wart power supplies are used it's inexpensive. I was expecting some improvement in music, but not the huge improvement that I actually got. Synergistic Research is really on to something here. Of course you do need their ICs that are active shield ready. The improvement in soundstaging was huge-- highly recommended.

They now are preparing to release Active Shielded speaker cables and power cords-- hope I can afford them!!! Cheers. Craig.
i once found nearly $8.00 worth of coins between and beneath the cushions of my sweetspot chair. yeah, i know they were mine to begin with but, hey, that's damn near 2 hours' worth of downtown parking! -cfb
I was given first row tickets to Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance! IT WAS GREAT !

I got damn near retail for them at the front entrance. I do regret not seeing Jean Butler dance beside fancy pants though.

Now here is the quandary.

If you were driving along the highway and an armored truck was in front of you and the rear door suddenly opened and a bag of money fell out, would you:

Call to the driver to stop and pick up his money?

Keep the money and pretend you never saw it fall out?

NOW..........What if Michael Flatley was driving that armored car and when you picked up the bag of money and you discover it was full of nickels? Would you still keep it for yourself?

What if Michael Flatley saw you pick up his bag of nickels and called out to you, "Gimmie back that bag of godam nickels you wee flagon of goat spray !"

Would you give him back his nickels? Strike him with the bag of nickels to make your escape? Pretend you didn't hear him and drive away?
Wow, talk about a bargain. Here in the east, you're lucky to get an hour or two of parking for the $8. On point, I recently bought a DNA 0.5 Rev B (used) for the same price that I paid for my 0.5 DLX (used). INCREDIBLE upgrade. Now it makes me want to send in the first one for the Rev B and then biamp my speakers! And with respect to the decent sound from Advents or any other older speaker, I have definately found that decent older speakers with high end electronics sound way better than high end speakers with decent older electronics. Just my 0.02.