Do power cords make an audible difference?

I recently discovered the inexpensive Pangea AC-9 power cord. It was so inexpensive I decided, just for kicks, to buy one for my sacd player and my integrated amp. I was extremely doubtful I would hear any difference at all. I plugged them in, turned on the system and I was surprised. I immediately invited a non-audiophile over for a listen. She had only heard my system for maybe 30 minutes with the old cords and I asked her if she could hear a difference. After listening to only two tracks she said "it sounds more clear". This is exactly what I had thought. I also noticed the sound stage seemed bigger. Now, it's not A huge difference but it is noticeable to the casual observer, so it is significant, which is more than I hoped for.
09-22-10: Sebrof
I'm with Drdennis on this one.
I don't think that someone who heard your system for 30 minutes could tell the difference with new cords. Which kinda proves the point - People believe they hear things and arrive at certain conclusions.
It doesn't "kinda prove the point." You're pitting your long distance pre-formed opinion against a reported experience.
While I agree with what DrDennis says, I think that it applies to more subtle differences. You have to remember that when you power down your components and then power them back up, some components take some time to get back to their optimum internal temperatures.

When it's the case of subtle differences, I find it easier to allow the 'A' power cords to remain in place for about a week. Then I put the 'B' set in and do the same thing. Then I'll do it again until I find that I can tell which I ultimately prefer.

Other times it's pretty obvious after 12 hours as the components warm back up. For instance, my Silent Source Music Reference power cords versus my new CH Acoustic (formally CH Technologies) X15 power cords. With the Silent Source my system sounds quiet and very detailed with the soundstage at the speakers and back. When the CH Acoustic are introduced, the soundstage expands out and back with the soundstage itself set behind the speakers with a quieter background and more resulting detail.

Sidssp, You're either pulling our leg about the "mid-fi" system or you know some folks with rarefied tastes in audio.
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09-22-10: Johnnyb53
It doesn't "kinda prove the point." You're pitting your long distance pre-formed opinion against a reported experience."

My long distance pre-formed opinion is about as reliable as someone hitting play and saying "Whaddaya think?" I never said the PC did not make a diff, I did say that many people completely disregard everything we know about how people perceive the world around us, that's all.