Has anyone used Supra AC connectors ???

I am experimenting with AC connectors at present. I have a fairly neutral AC cord which is showing up huge differences between various connectors. Have already tried out some Oyaides and Furus. They are all nice but I was also looking at the Supra connectors. I could not read about their signature tonality anywhere. Any ideas ?
Golden Reference. The Supras were smoother, more transparent with better pacing of music. The Cardas was a bit colored in the bass, whereas I found that the music just sounded right with the Supra. My thinking was that I had little to lose in trying the inexpensive Supra. After about a month, I sold the Cardas. BTW, Mhedges is right about the plugs appearing to be cheap, but I have to say they work well. I think it's not the connectors, but the cord that makes the difference.
Oyaide are "nice"? They are the best that money can buy. Their line offers a lot of choice. Supra are five-and-dime for both build quality and sonic quality. They have one "model" -- if you want to call it that. No comparison whatsoever with Oyaide. If you are in the market for Supra you can save yourself the time, money and effort by going to the corner electric store.
I used a couple of Wattgate plugs on my Supra power cord. The Supra is a very good power cord, even though Sabai might not think so....:0)