Has anyone used Supra AC connectors ???

I am experimenting with AC connectors at present. I have a fairly neutral AC cord which is showing up huge differences between various connectors. Have already tried out some Oyaides and Furus. They are all nice but I was also looking at the Supra connectors. I could not read about their signature tonality anywhere. Any ideas ?
Sabai, i notice that you never miss an opportunity to try and slam the Supra line, Why is that??

You always state your OPINION as a matter of fact that applies to all of us. You Sir, need to get a clue!

BTW, I have no affiliation with the Supra Co., simply owning their Lorad 2.5 power cord, which in my system surpassed a Shunyata Taipan Helix Alpha, IF that says anything!!
Have you seen and used the Supra plug and IEC? Have you seen and used Oyaide plugs and IEC's -- any Oyaide version? If so, you might change your opinion. I cannot imagine anyone A/B-ing the Supra against the Oyaide saying the Supra sounded better. Can there be any doubt that some products are truly inferior -- and that stating this is OK -- and really and truly clued-in?

LoRad is a low-priced cord and one can expect appropriate sonic results when compared with high-end Synergistic Research, Bybee Ultra or ASI Liveline. The HiDiamond is also supposed to be excellent but I have not tested it. Can Supra LoRad possibly compare with SR, Bybee or ASI? Not in my experience. Perhaps in "special" systems. But certainly not in really high end systems. LoRad will "dumb-down" a high end system and this will be evident if they are A/B-ed with the aforementioned cables.

Other inferior cables will also "dumb-down" high end systems. This applies to all inferior cables. The system will be brought down to the weakest link in the sonic chain. I know what my system sounded like with LoRads and I know what it sounds like with the aforementioned power cords. No comparison. It is hard to imagine that other high end systems would not respond in a similar way.

Some people just don't like strong opinions. I have no problem with that. It does not mean I don't have the right to my strong opinions. Or that there is something wrong with having strong opinions. Better than having wishy-washy opinions. IMHO. Check out Musicxyz's recent posts. He does not mince his words. Why should he? To please those who cannot bear hearing strong opinions without an IMHO after them. It is a shame everything has to be politically correct these days. I remember when there was no such thing as politically correct.
Sabai, you say" It does not mean I don't have the right to my strong opinions"....I totally agree with you, BUT JUST so that you realize that they are your opinions and NOT necessarily everyone else's.
I agree with the posters who say that the Supra plugs are not quality plugs, I wasn't talking about the Supra plugs, which IF you read my prior post you would have seen that I did NOT use these, instead opting for Wattgate's. These plugs are FAR superior to the Supra's.
BTW, are you still wiring up everything in your system in serial??
I have to wonder why you do that....
Oh, you don't have to concern yourself about being politically correct...:0(
I wire in series and in parallel. I am using Bybee, ASI Liveline and Synergistic Research and one Cardas. I have not found a single company that does better than series and parallel. There is something in the synergy that just works -- and I am not talking about a subtle difference. There is no explaining this except what the ears say. I tested my hearing recently and it is excellent -- above the norm for my age. Maybe one day I will find a single wire that works as well as or better than wires in series and parallel. I have an open mind about this.
I found Furutech bulk AC cable with wattgate connectors, and Signal Cable entry level, to be better than the Supra Lorad 2.5 on my Source, DAC and amplifier.

But the Supra was wired with its stock el cheapo connectors. I am open to the possiblity that with good connectors the Supra could come out on top, but it would have to be a large jump, larger than most connector changes usually give.

But what the Supra does to my PC box is amazing, far far better than the Furutech. It just goes to show how different power cable designs are effecting different parts of the AC range, and there is no single cable solution for every application.