Hydra 8 -- Normal for labels on back to wear off?

I bought a used Hydra 8 here a few weeks ago and when I opened it, the labels
on the back (white paint) were about half worn off. It seems to work fine, with no scratches, dents or other damage, but should I be concerned? Is this normal? I have a 2nd Hydra 8 and this never happened. Thanks in advance.
Thanks Jim. I didn't know there was a version-2; I thought there was just the V-Ray version.
Hi Rgs92,

I had bought the Hydra 8 awhile back. Probably around 2003 0r 2004. Shunyata however has made improvements since then which are now in the current models. Owners of the older models can send them in to have the units updated if they choose. If I remember correctly I had my choice of two levels of updating. I chose to have the unit fully updated as I felt the item was an excellant piece of equiptment. When updated it is returned with a new carton and also a new serial number as the piece is substantially altered from the original. I had this done maybe a year or so ago. It is either called version 2 or series 2. I would have to either check my paperwork or the Shunyata website for this. I haven't researched any of this lately but I believe that the original V-Ray falls into this same category too of being updated. Maybe some Shunyata experts can chime in on this. Working from memory I also believe I read from Shunyata somewheres that a Hydra 8 series 2 outperforms a V-Ray series 1. Well anyways I am happy.
Thanks Jim. Grant at Shunyata told me not to worry about the paint issue. I will probably look into upgrading sometime, but the Hydra 8 (mine are from 2004) works wonders as is. I would be curious to hear from others what improvement come from the V-Ray or the Series 2.