Power Cord for $50 or less?

I have a Jolida 707a Tube Amp and Jolida 100A Tube CD player. I have been told that it's a good idea to upgrade the power cords on these two units. I don't have a lot of money to spend. Probably somewhere around $100 for both cables. I looked into the Absolute Power Cord, but those are backordered until January. Is there any other brand(s) that fit what I need that are worth looking into?
I'm happy with my Element Red Storm, and would feel good about trying also their "Blue" and "Element" cords, to fit your budget.
Buy some good quality Electrical cable, some good quality connectors and make some cables yourself. They will sound as good as anything you buy. Get the satisfaction of having made them yourself.
Try to find a used first generation shunyata venom. The new Venom 3 lists for 99 bucks but will probably be available soon for used rates. The venom blows away anything else I've heard sub 300. The resale value on Shunyata wire is the highest and most stable among all power cords.