Best budget $300 Balanced IC Recommendation

I have a Cambridge Azure 840C with both Balanced and SE outputs. I have been using Kimber KS1021's with Black Pearl silver and copper stranding. Anyway, I wanted to try the balanced connect and ordered a pro cable for about $20. I could not believe the results! The pro XLR cable sounded almost as good as the Kimber and it's not even broken in! This tells me balanced is the way to go. I'll probably sell the Kimber's to finance the purchase or trade for a balanced IC. Looking for some help and suggestions - thanks!
I have a couple of friends which bought Mogami cables. Both systems seemed to be lacking in mid range and mid bass. The cables seemed to extend the top end and low end with a missing middle and low middle. These were well broken in cables. My friends are changing them out looking for better sounding cables.
Stewart sounds like a great guy! Sorry to hear about his loss in sandy. A few other great guys, who make great cables are Paul at clear day cables (double shotgun speaker cables are excellent) and Frank at signal cable. I am currently using signal cable silver resolution xlr's and speaker silver resolution speaker cables. Great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. I'd like to add that I feel really good about buying products from a company that when I call or e-mail them, I talk directly to the owner of the company. Priceless!!
I had a similar experience with Mogami XLR balanced cables being really shrill...a first, and not the case with my single ended Mogami Neglex din cable rewire of my Akito arm...that sounds great. I replaced the balanced Mogami with XLR AQ Diamondbacks that are very neutral in my system.