Home wiring

I have my system hooked up to a socket that is on the same line as my fridge ac and heater. If I plan to re-wire that socket for a dedicated audio video system what all should I do. New ac wire, an audiophile fuse(if there is one) and a new power socket?
Assuming you are in a home you own.

Basics would be a new line from the main panel direct to your system. 10ga romex with ground is fine for the line. I would just add an addition outlet near your old one as adding a new box is a minimal cost addition compared to running the line. New circuit breaker on the panel, if you have 2 phase power putting the breaker on the other side of noisy things like the fridge and heater can lower noise. Your electrician will know what this means.

For outlets I really like the 'Porter ports' that Albert Porter sells here but there are tons of options and even a hospital grade outlet from Home Depot will be better than the junky outlet that came with the house.

Only other thing is to have the electrician check your grounding system when they are out. Simple to add a true ground rod when they are out and run a line to the main panel. Tons of old homes run a ground wire to water pipes which is just bad news.
Check out VH audio, they have cryo'd 10ga. romex by the foot ($2.99/ft.), and a wide variety of recepticles to go with it.
I really like the Pass & Seymour MRI recepticles.
Once you run your dedicated line, your system will be take to a whole new level.
Probably the biggest/cheapest upgrade you can do for a system, bar none IMHO.