Synergistic Research ART Basik, any opinions?

I'm was researching the Synergistic ART Basik as opposed to its big brother the S/R ART and haven't found any reviews/opinions on the Basik.

Does anybody have the S/R ART Basik or has anybody compared the ART Basik with the more expensive S/R ART?

The S/R ART is bit too pricey for me (at the moment). Hence I'm looking into the Basik.

You could hear the difference from the ARTs at CES when you entered the SR room. I use both the original ARTs and two sets of the Basiks which I also use in my NM listening room in the summer. It is only 13 x 10 x 8.' They help it greatly. Still not like my 18 x 26 x 11.5' room, but definitely improved.

There are a lot of self-proclaimed scam police out there who never listen to what they condemn.
I have eliminated a lot of room treatments and tweaks and added others since I posted to this thread. But ART stays put. I just fine-tuned the placement which is crucial for optimizing the ART system. I am using it with my own DIY HFTs. The interesting thing is that most of these treatments and systems are complementary and synergistic even if they are mixed and matched from different companies -- with DIY thrown in for good measure.

Is anyone out there still impressed with ART? Are there folks who are using additional Gravitrons and Magnetrons with good results?

The Synergistic research is still the foundation of accoustic treatments to my listening room. In addition to the Vibratron, I do use the full compliment of Gravitrons, Magnitrons, and Bass stations. Front wall has 4 Magnitrons and 2 Gravitrons. Near the first reflection point on each side wall is a Magnitron. The wall behind the listener has a Gravitron. In front of each speaker is a Bass Station.

And you are absolutely correct, you do have to positiom them with care.
I really think that those who say the laws of physics disprove any benefit from these devices totally misrepresent our scientific understand of the properties of nature. We only know some of the patterns that can be used for our proposes to build bridges, circuits, vibration dampening, etc. If we make observations that cannot be understood by our understanding, it is incumbent on science to do experiments and explanations of what we see happening.

I have heard the benefits of SR Arts in demonstrations and there are obvious benefits. I have heard demonstration of supertweeters that begin to perform at 15k Hz that clearly improve sound. Such devices also are unwarrantly rejected by pseudo scientists.

Many things that are heard are difficult to account for with our limited understanding of nature.
"If we make observations that cannot be understood by our understanding, it is incumbent on science to do experiments and explanations of what we see happening."

If one hopes to make the sale, then its up to that person to make the case somehow. Otherwise, right or wrong, there is no case. You might have a long wait if left to others, especially if the case is not readily apparent.

Of course saying "I hear it so it must be" alone is not much of a case. Anyone can say that any time for any reason and be right or wrong. Just words.