Kimber KS 3035 vs Nordost Valhalla speaker cables

Any thought on sound of these cables.I have heard Kimber KS 3035 and was stunned with the improvment over my Vecteur cables.What about Nordost Valhalla,is it better cable then Komber or just matter of preference?
Both are well-made, and how they will perform will depend upon which amplifier and which speakers they are used with (i.e., sometimes the Kimber will sound better and sometimes the Nordost will sound better). Unfortunately, the only way to determine which will work best for you is to try both in your system.

The silver conductor in the Kimber takes a very long time to break in and does not sound right until full break-in is completed (1,000 hours - I used 3038 and 1030 interconnects for four years), so you need to make sure that the cable is fully broken in before you use it.
I used Kimber 3035's for a couple of years and just never really liked them - too laid back between my Mcintosh 501's and Thiels. Maybe a synergy and personal preference thing, YMMV. I have not heard the Valhalla's.
I prefer the Valhalla. It may be a bit thinner in body and drier in the highs but imaging is much sharper than the Kimbers.