Kimber KS 3035 vs Nordost Valhalla speaker cables

Any thought on sound of these cables.I have heard Kimber KS 3035 and was stunned with the improvment over my Vecteur cables.What about Nordost Valhalla,is it better cable then Komber or just matter of preference?
I prefer the Valhalla. It may be a bit thinner in body and drier in the highs but imaging is much sharper than the Kimbers.
My question is actually kimber 3038 vs Valhalla speaker cables.

My cj pre , amps and sonus Faber strads are velvety smooth and have excellent bass weight

I currently own kimber 3033. They are very good, however I now want a speaker cables that is faster, more extended in the high frequencies, tighter bass and more transparent. Not much to expect right.

I own a couple of Valhalla ic's now and they are fantastic, however they could be seen as a little dry and as much air as some. Is the Valhalla speaker cable similar? From what I have read the speaker cables are better than the Valhalla ic's?
I will be buying s/h.

Any opinions gents?

..just for the Halibut....try Anti=Cables. They are VERY inexpensive, but surprisingly excellent. They have a money back guarantee if you don't like them. Let them break in for a couple of weeks for their ultimate sound, but you should be able to get a very good idea if you like them or not at installation.
sorry but the anti cables are not anywhere near the same league as the Kimbers or Nordosts, and I am being polite.
Hello Mike,

The Valhalla interconnects and speaker cable combo is pretty magical IMO. I'd say if you like what the Valhalla interconnects did for your system your going to absolutely flip when you put in the speaker cables.
