Kimber KS 3035 vs Nordost Valhalla speaker cables

Any thought on sound of these cables.I have heard Kimber KS 3035 and was stunned with the improvment over my Vecteur cables.What about Nordost Valhalla,is it better cable then Komber or just matter of preference?
IMO Valhalla speaker cable are probably a better match with tube amps. When I had them in my system, they leaned out the mid bass and pushed the treble out ( not meaning bright) too much. MIT are a superior match for my amps and speakers. I still use Valhalla IC's. As other's have said, it all depends on amp speaker synergies.
@ csng1, Your 6-8-13 post had me laughing out of my chair!, I love the context that made your point! cheers!
Read my review:

I owned the valhalla for over 12 years and I sold them as well. I still sell Kimber. There both fine, but in technique there both old. I know them very well all two. Audioquest is superior in blacks, timing, sound, individual focus. both don't even come close to the new 2013 Redwood from Audioquest.