Buconero: being "equal" spec wise may be true. sounding the same is another story. have tried 4 different HDMI lines and all 4 sounded "different" in my system. can't say one was "better" then the rest but can tell you which one i liked best in my specific system (PSA's silver I2S).
it's a combination of sonic signature *and* personal preference. not to imply the sonic signature will be identical with every set-up. i will tell you different hdmi cables sound different. i did not see any difference when using them for video but when i came to sound, there was an obvious difference.
regarding the question at hand....i LOVE my PSA I2S-12 silver hdmi's.
it's a combination of sonic signature *and* personal preference. not to imply the sonic signature will be identical with every set-up. i will tell you different hdmi cables sound different. i did not see any difference when using them for video but when i came to sound, there was an obvious difference.
regarding the question at hand....i LOVE my PSA I2S-12 silver hdmi's.