Transparent cables MM and MM2

Hope you guys can help me out.
Would a higher level MM1 cable be better than a lower model MM2 cable ?

For example, would a MM1 Super speaker cable or interconnect be better sounding than a MM2 PLus or Musicwave Speaker cable or interconnect ?

Just in the same way would those older Ultras be better than the current MM2 Plus or Super ?

Thanks for the help.
I did some comparisons between Super and Ultra for MM1 cables. I found that mixing cables worked fine. I ended up with Ultra for speakers and pre to amp interconnects and Super for the source to pre-amp interconnects. It seemed like as long as I had enough Ultras, I could mix in Supers without changing the sound much. So I would definitely think about mixing. In my case, the speaker cables seemed to be the most important. As always, it depends on the specific electronics and speakers.
Nolitan, To answer your question, should your IC's be better than the speaker cables... I do not think there is any wrong answer. My personal feeling is that the closer the improvements are to the source end, the better. That was how I built up my current system. I have also experimented with swapping my Ulta MM2 IC's from the front channels with my Super MM1 from the rear channels and running with my Ultra MM2 speaker cables for 2 days. I came up with the conclusion that if you are going to fork out the dough for the MM2 technology then you should try to match the technologies with both IC's and speaker cables. If you believe like I do that we are only as good as the weekest link, then you should pick a side and start from there. There is no right or wrong with this stuff. Any time we substitue a cable, components, tweaks, ect. its affects can be positive or negative, thats what makes this fun, Good Luck!
I have mine in a mixed system, Transparent Reference [MM1] for digital, Music Link [MM2] between pre and amp and Van den Hul First Ultimate for other ICs with Cardas GRs for speaker. No master plan, just got the best I could afford at each upgrade and worked out like this. Not necessarily ideal but sounds good as is.