Spades terminations into spring load trminal

I just bought a pair of bi wire speakers cables at a very good price and they should arrive shortly. The problem i'm going to encounter is the amplifier ends are terminated in spades and I'm using a vintage Sansui receiver with spring load terminals. What is the best way to connect the two without removing the spades ? Can one end of the spades inserted in suffice ? I dont want to remove the spades because if I dont like the sound I can resell the cables a lot faster with the spade terminations in place. Thanks for any advise.
I have been using something similar to those shown by Sfar. I have some older Boston speakers in my bedroom with those pesky spring loaded clips. I bought the plugs at radio shack. Good luck and happy listening.
I agree with Rrog that the spring terminals are designed to work best with bare wire but if you don't want to remove the spades, which seems sensible if you want to preserve the resale value of the cables, the pin terminals are the best option I've found.

Even if you cut off the spade terminals from the cables you just bought there's a very good chance the gauge of the bare wire will be too large to fit into the spring terminals. I wouldn't argue that you couldn't hear a difference between bare wire and the pin terminals but I've never been able to.
Thanks a lot guys. Very useful information. I'm checking the Shack tomorrow to see what they have and if they don't have any I'll order from the ones posted on this thread.