Power cord for low-watt tube amp?

I'm about to take delivery on a 7-watt push-pull EL84 amp in full triode. Just wondering whether there are any power cords particularly well-suited for a lower-powered amp like this? What's the latest thinking on whether power cords are less important for smaller amps like this?
I don't care if anyone is laughing, but I am not ashamed to say that I spent more on my power cord than I did on my power amp.

But the last laugh is on me,because without the Python CX, my Decware Zen's two watts of EL84 SET power just sounds more powerful than it does with cheap power cords.

I should add that my speaker wires, Nordost Heimdall and Norse jumpers also cost more than my DecWare power amp.
So do my Ref 3A Grand Veenas, my Audio Aero Capitole cd player, my Hydra 8 and my Rega P9.
And my 3 other Shunyata power Annaconda Helix power cords each cost more than my DecWare, and so does my Manley Steelhead that drives my DecWare.

But the DecWare is the wildcard.

To give it anything less than what the other gear has would be to downgrade it's performance.
It is not the poor cousin at all in my system.
As such it is more than deserving of a quality power cord.

I've impressed a few friends and had them fooled into believing the amp was an expensive custom made unit from an old Japanese artisan with a small cult following and only a handfull are known to be in existance.

And then I tell them the truth.

It's inexpensive, and made by an American artisan with a small cult following.

If the OP has one of Steve's units, believe me, it is deserving of the best you can partner with it.
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I am sure power cords make a real and immediately audible difference. I would think though, that a good cord is a good cord, which may or may not match well with a component. I am not so convinced a cord is good for CD players power amps etc.
2 cords I use at the moment are Lessloss DPFC and the new Sablon Audio Robusto. Both are excellent, but quite different in their effect on reproduction.
In general, if you can borrow dem cords from your retailer or the cable company, or buy 2nd hand, you reduce any risk of expensive mistakes
Stock power cords work, some folks like them, others try DIY, and then some prefer the more exotic varieties.

The only way to know what suits you is to try some.

In my expereince,I haven't found a product that didn't benefit from a better power cord.

So even though my amp only puts out 2 watts, it gets it's juice from a Python CX,Hydra 2,30 amp dedicated line of 6 feet from the panel.

I think the fewer the watts, all the easier to really make them sing, or screw them up.
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