Best Cables for around $500

I have upgraded to a W4S STI500 and DAC2 along with my Magnepan 1.7s and I am looking for the best cable to connect my W4S DAC2 to my W4S STI500 at or around $500. Would like to hear all thoughts, especially those with W4S equipment. I am looking for XLR Balanced only.

Some cables that I am currently considering:
1. Morrow SP4 at $519 or Morrow MA5 at $790 (I have some existing Morrow cables I would use for trade in)
2. Antipodes Komako $550
3. Wyred 4 Sound C1 Ultra Analog XLR for $119
4. MAC Palladium XLR $539
5. Acoustic Zen Silver Reference XLR $599.00 (sale from $998)
6. Audioquest Columbia XLR $495
7. Cardas Neutral Reference XLR $628

My goal is best reproduction of classical and acoustic music.
Owned #'s 1,4,5,6 and 7. AQ Columbia wins in all categories. I would suggest MIT AVT1 cabling however, as it is more dimensional and allows for a more vividly realistic portrayel of the sonic event. Online prices are 50% msrp FYI:O)
Dave_b - amazing that you have experience with 5 of the 7 cables that I am looking at! Just curious, but what other equipment do you have?

I noticed that you singled out the AQ Columbia. I can get the AQ Colorado XLR normally $900 for $450-$500. Any thoughts on that vs. the MIT AVT1? Looked up the MIT AVT1 and for the XLR it goes for $699 retail.

You mentioned that "online prices are 50% msrp." Other than the AQ Colorado's, I did not see any prices at 50% off for the other cables.
Owned the colorado XLR's as well...very clear, harmonicaly complete but a bit hard sounding. The MIT's will give you everything the Colorado's offer, but add better texture, fullnss, dynamic swing and 3D palpability as "you are there in the same room" feeling. just got an NRG-10 PC new from a dealer in CA for 50% off (negotiate price). Call Joe Abrams at equus audio for free information and assistance as well as best deals on available options. He's been my go to cable guy for over 10 years. My last big system was Maggie 3.6's, Krell FBI, Sony Modwright 5400 and MIT Magnum M3.3 cabling wt MIT AC2 PC's.
Dave_b - looks like the cable he sells is demo or trade-ins. Would like to purchase new. What do you think new MIT AVT1 1 meter XLR's should go for?
I am using XLR balanced and find Anti-Cables outstanding. They are very inexpensive, and have a money back guarantee if you don't like them. You really should audition them.