Nordost Red Down or Zu Wax


Has anyone compared Nordost Red Down with Zu Wax? I'd like to upgrade my present SC and I've got opportunity to buy both. Unfortunately I can't try them before buying.
Have you got any experience with them?

I have:
Roksan Caspian M1 CD
Roksan Caspian M1 Amp
IC: Straight Wire Serenade
SC: Real Cable BM250T
Speakers: Harpia Acoustics Amstaff Mini
Ah. It looks like I offended a few eminent scientists, audiophiles and owners of Zu!
I apologize for having dropped my thoughts on zu; I did not know I was going to become -in a flash- the target of such deep freudian projections.
I will refrain from commenting on Zu in the future. After all, there's nothing wrong with believing.
Sincerely yours, chris
>>11-30-10: Chrisr
I did not know I was going to become -in a flash- the target of such deep freudian projections.<<

Warning- deep thinker on board.
I have apologized already. In addition, I have acknowledged that there's nothing wrong with believing in the zu.
THis is not good enough for you?
Personally, I don't believe in the Zu, I believe in my ears. I couldn't care less what their marketing hype says, I love how the Ibis cables sound.

Don't get all bent out of shape over here, we're just having some fun with you. You have to admit it was humorous.
I enjoy your humour... I am glad you love how the Ibis cables sound... Like you, I do believe in my ears also and I love how my SPEAKERS sound.