Alternative to Synergistic Research Hologram A

I'm using all Synergistic Tesla power cords. I can't afford to upgrade from Tesla 3 to Hologram A on my mono blocs. I'd like suggestions for more a more affortable upgrade. I will be keeping the other SR cords. Thank you in advance for your input.
Out of curiosity, why do want to get rid of the SR cord...especially if you already have a mess of them. I would suggest a set of MiGs under that amp. I do agree about the big price jump from the T line to the Hologram's a bummer. Whatever you do don't demo them if you can't afford them ;)
Have you checked cable company special deal on SR Halogram?
I guess since SR is launching new power cord soon so now you can get SR Halogram A at 40% off. Would that still be in your budget?
Thanks Kenscollick. Maybe I should start a fund to help me finance the A's. Would you donate? Shame on me. Solda, I want to upgrade the T3's on the amps to something better. I've got a Hologram D on my digital source and a T2 on my pre. Unfortunately I can't afford a (used) Hologram A, let alone 2 of them.
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