Alternative to Synergistic Research Hologram A

I'm using all Synergistic Tesla power cords. I can't afford to upgrade from Tesla 3 to Hologram A on my mono blocs. I'd like suggestions for more a more affortable upgrade. I will be keeping the other SR cords. Thank you in advance for your input.
Thanks Kenscollick. Maybe I should start a fund to help me finance the A's. Would you donate? Shame on me. Solda, I want to upgrade the T3's on the amps to something better. I've got a Hologram D on my digital source and a T2 on my pre. Unfortunately I can't afford a (used) Hologram A, let alone 2 of them.
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I had the SR HA AC cord. A $700.00 used Dale Pitcher Reference AC cable cold out of the box killed it. Sold all my SR cords. There are better out there for far less $$$. If you get caught up in the SR hype then you need the A.

Boys and girls the JPS Aluminata AC cable kills it. Quieter cable with no strings. How about another AC SR killer? Jena Labs One. The SR AC cables are their weakest product.

The IC/SC is another story.

The IC Cells are worth hearing. Spend your $$$ with them.