What do you guys mean by "dead quiet"?
Niacin - I mean (1) With the system turned on and no music playing, with the preamp volume in the maximum position I ever make use of, no noise is audible at the listening position; and (2) With the system playing music at my average listening volumes, with a good recording, during moments of silence between passages, the system sounds indistinguishable from being off.
4est and Elizabeth - You make a good point about shielding being more important in some environments than others. I've just been wondering if those environments are not as ubiquitous as manufacturers of exclusively shielded cables would lead us to believe, which brings me to...
Lokie - That Cardas video was exactly one of the examples I had in mind of a manufacturer advocating the exclusive use of shielded designs.
Al - Thanks for your excellent input. I looked at the linked paper, and I have a stupid question. Here's a passage from the paper:
To eliminate hum, we must effectively eliminate interchassis ground current. We could eliminate it by simply breaking the chassis to chassis shield connection. Of course, this alone would not solve our problem.
Here's the stupid question: Why? What would happen if you "simply [broke] the chassis to chassis shield connection" in an effort to eliminate interchassis ground current?