Can all power cords be classified as 1 of 2 types?

I've tried lots of cords over the years, and it always seems like a cord has either solid/controlled/transparent/grounded bass OR smooth/liquid highs but not both.

When a cord is has that high-quality rock-solid detailed open bass, the highs are often a compromise, maybe a bit brittle or stinging.

When a cord resolves the highs so that they never make me wince but still seem not to be rolled off, the bass sounds a bit muddy or opaque.

I've tried a number of cords in many price categories that leave me saying that the bass OR the highs are just right (or even perfect), but they always let me down at the other end of the spectrum.

(Sorry for all the adjectives here.)
In the end, the cords I end up using compromise a bit on both ends of the spectrum, but none of the ones I try do it all.
Interesting stuff RTN1, and thanks for the other replies, too. I didn't want to bring the whole area of power conditioners into this discussion as that is a whole other pandora's box.
I have never found a PC that does enough right to justify the expense, especially on my Mac 501 amps. I find certain areas can be improved or enhanced, but in every case I lose that organic feel I get with the Mac's. I recently began using Wywires Juice cords on my amps and phono pre and they improve everything but the amps retain that wonderful organic quality Mac amps deliver. I was pleasantly surprised and they are reasonably priced at around $300. They also aren't the size of an anaconda - pulling out of the wall and components off the rack!
Hey Pops, I know the feeling. Some of these power cord makers seem to think you will arrange everything around their cords.
Pops you are spot on. Did you ever wonder why a manufacturer of a 20,000 dollar amp uses a stock cord. Don't you think they would produce a cord and add that to the sale to optimize the sound. Bottom line is keep it simple and inexpensive.