Best Digital RCA cable under $100 new or used?

What say ye? Comparisons/observations in this price range?
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster
I should add this is for a low cost second system between a Grant Dac9 and a Denon 2900. The budget is tight for this system. I am now using a Radio Shack one meter ($20) that sounds good at times but the music breaks up periodically and looses smoothness. I am betting it is jitter. So I want to move to a little better cable at a 1.5 meter length.
You might consider the DH Labs D-75. It is a good digital cable, and it is less than $100 for 1.5 meters. You can find reviews online.

I have found the MAC UltaSilver+ to be a open and neutral RCA in my system. They out performed a much more costly RS Audio Illume w/Eichmenn SilverBullet ends.