Cardas vs Synergistic

How does Cardas´ Golden Ref SC compare to Synergistic´s Precision Ref (or Accelerator)? Anyone heard both on 3-series Magnepan?
The Cable Company can lend you all three of those cables to try in your system. All cables are system dependent and you should try before you buy. If you find the Maggies are a little bright. I suggest trying Synergistic's Acoustic Reference speaker cables. All the newer Synergistic cables are non fatiguing or bright at all.
The only way to know what a cable sounds like is to hear it in your own system. Cardas was recommended to me for My all Ayre/Vandesteen system, and it was awful. Price is NOT an indication of compatibility.
Do yourself a favor and try the Cardas Clear cable. I have never been a fan of how the other Cardas cables seemed to color the sound, but the Clear has completely blown me away (after about 150 hours of break in). I have listened to many many cables (who in this hobby hasn't!) and I can honestly say I am done with switching cables - I have found the end of the line. In what I consider the best way to test cables, I pulled the Cardas Clear out after having them there for a month to go to my old cables and I could only listen for about 5 minutes before returning to the Cardas Clear.
I have tried both and am not a big fan of either. Quick summary is that Cardas is better suited for an analytical system that can veer towards brightness, while SR is better for darker/laid back systems.

I would follow the advice of the Cable Company, get some recommendations from one of their salespeople, and then borrow the cables they recommend for your system from their "lending library". If you don't like any of them, just return them at no cost or hassle.
>>02-01-11: Joeyboynj
All the newer Synergistic cables are non fatiguing or bright at all.<<

That is a disingenuous statement.

Cables are system, component, and listener dependent.

To categorically state that all cables from any company are non fatiguing or bright or warm or clinical or whatever, smacks of inexperience.