USB to SPDIF Converters

There are many on the market now.I have a Hag USB .I would like to hear your experiences with these devices.I would like to upgrade soon,to include Hi Rez downloads ,which means getting a different DAC and converter .
I used the M2Tech hiface for about a year, and realized that while very good I could get better sound into my old dac. I've since upgraded to the M2Tech Evo combined with a linear power supply and couldn't be happier. I run ST glass from the Evo to my Levinson 360s which sounds great. But that being said I haven't try any of the other converters out there, and there are many.
The Levinson 360s is a great DAC. I am sure it can benefit from the EVO. The John Kenny upgrade to the Hiface is also an improvement for the Hiface. As you move up in price, the Empirical Audio Off Ramp is worth looking at.
Dtc ,There does seem to be many happy M2Tech owners,with upgrades is even better as Ts0711 and you have mentioned.The Halide Bridge sounds intesting too.Many have entered the market in a short time.Someone said they notice no ,or little improvement going above 24/96.The availible sample rates are getting very high.
Raytheprinter - regarding going above 24/96. Stereophile recently reviewed the Musical Fidelity M1 DAC, which has been designed to take a 24/192 input signal. However, the output from 24/96 and 24/192 looked essentially identical -- dropping at just above 40 KHz. It seems they upped the speed of the front end, but did not change the back end. When you look at the Stereophile reports on some of the higher end DACs (e.g. Bryston, dCS Debussy) the 24/192 input does extend the output range, with some close going close to 90 KHz. I have not listened to any of those high end DACs that extend the output range up to close to half the Nyquist frequency, so cannot say if 24/192 is really better. But the M1 review, made me stop and think if the mid range DACs that take 24/192 inputs are actually taking advantage of 24/192 or not. I am very curious to hear a true 24/192 DAC, but the MF M1 DAC review made me much more cautious.
I have the Musical fidelity Vlink... excellent choice if you want better sound from an existing DAC that came without asynchrous USB. DTC probably has a point, for under $1K I doubt you would get full benefit from data rates above 96K.... which is maybe 0.01% of recorded material available.