Cables for high efficiency speakers?

I've started to look at speakers to replace my Thiel 3.6s. I'll be putting almost all my dough towards the speakers, so I'm looking for good value in my choice. The speaker contenders are Horning Aristotles and Bastanis Mandalas. I know that Stealth cables are recommended for the Hornings...but $$$, so maybe next time. I need 4 meters!

Any other suggestions? I currently use mid-nineties Wireworld cables and I was told not a good choice for high efficiency speakers.
Kenny I would recommend that you try some solid core silver speaker cables from Clear Day Cable, I use them on my Geddes Abbey 12A speakers with fantastic results, the Abbeys are 95dB efficient. If you contact Paul at Clear Day cables he usually has a pair that he will send you to listen to in your system to see if they are what you are looking for before you purchase. Paul is one of the "good guys" in audio.
Thanks, Dwr. Local dealers are becoming scarce these days, so it's good to find others who will ship you a loaner.
I just learned that the Bastanis speakers are internally wired with the same wire that's offered as their DIY cable. This cable is heavily silver-plated copper. If I wind-up with the Bastanis speakers, then it would make good sense to try their DIY cable.
That sounds very reasonable. I was a little dubious of the idea that a special cable is required for higher efficiency speakers for several reasons, one being the experience with my friends current systems. Friend A has a system not unlike mine in general principal, I have a CJ 350 driving either Spendor 100s or GamuT L5s, he has Lamm hybrids driving Wilson Sasha. Friend B has a very different system, custom tube amps from Brazil driving large AvauntGuard horns. Yet we all independently ended up using Cardas Golden Reference as speaker cable. I don't think that there is any question that THEORETICALLY silver is better. Several years ago B&W had one of their speakers made with all silver internal wiring and there was general agreement that it was a considerable improvement over the standard version, albeit at a much higher cost. But in practice this will vary. I have some Siltech long crystal pure silver ICs that I bought years ago when such things were semi affordable; but in my current system I am using Van den Hul ICs that are, in fact, non metallic instead. IN THIS APPLICATION I like their sound better.
Good points on the silver wire Stanwal. My previous speakers were Linkwitz Orions that I built myself, I originally used copper wire to wire them. After about 8 months of listening I rewired them with silver wire, and the mids and highs really opened up with the silver wire, quite a noticeable difference, I was surprised what a difference the silver wire made on those speakers.