Gabriel Gold vs Marigo vs NBS

I got a pair of used GG Revelation 2 XLR ICs didn't sound remotely like what's being raved here. They sound way too warm. I lost details, soundstage, bass articulation, etc. The female vocal sounds burred. Everything just doesn't sound right compared to my NBS Master and Marigo Audio Labs 8.8.

Does GG requires very very long break-in, or something I missed?

My setup has Wadia (preamp) + Llano A200 (amp)/Kora Galaxy Ref(amp) + NBS Professional speaker cables + Granite Audio digital coax + Vienna Acoustics Mahler speakers.
I agree with Jafox. I also have the Jade Audio Hybrid and Reference ICs. These are special. J.D. has accomplished something that is rare.

The Dream State Epic Gold power cables did not work in my system, but the Jade Audio ICs have tremendous synergy with the NVS Sound power cables.
I played with a complete NBS Black Label II cable system for many years and liked it a lot. Until I got the opportunity to audition some Jorma Prime cables. Man, this blew me completely away. They sound so clear and real! And so easy to listen to and cannot hear any technical artifacts here. There is a review in Positive Feedback which tells exactly what I experience with them.
At the moment i am replacing all NBS cables with the Jorma Prime.
Jorma Prime costs over $10k for a 1 meter XLR IC that uses copper. How can that be?

I've been learning alot about cable costs which can be quite high due to materials. Unfortunately, gold, platinum, and silver are unreal.
I am really thankful for all your responses. I had the system played overnight, assuming the previous owner did not use it a while and thus requires break-in. This morning, it got a little better, but not at a level that I wish for. There is no loose part, nothing broken.

I don't know the original MSRP on GG cables. For $400 I paid, it's right below at the performance of the Audioquest Opal x3 ($100 for 1m).

As there are many members here rave about GG cables in other threads, may be they would jump on mine's when I list them. I certainly hope that way.

Last but not least, my wife came by my setup last night, and she asked if something is broken in my setup. Well, knowing her is legally tone deaf, that pretty summarize how the GG cables sound in my system.


P.S. I noticed that MIT Magnum / Shotgun cables have some kind of impedance adjustment switches. May be my GG Revelation 2 has an impedance mismatch? But then again, with numerous cables I used before (Nordost, Cardas, NBS, Wireworld, Pure Note, Audioquest, Ohelback, Kimber, Marigo, MIT, etc etc) none has issue like I have now.