Long XLR's: PAD Venustas versus Mogami

Does anyone have experience with changing a long Mogami interconnect with something like PAD Venustas? I'm wondering what the gains would be.

I'm currently auditioning PAD speaker cables (Proteus Provectus actually) and like them. I've read a lot about the PAD lineup, but don't know what the Mogami characteristics are (I don't have a 40' cable of something else to swap it with :-))

Thanks in advance.
Neil, one small correction to your reflective and interesting post. Anti-Cables (both the speaker cables and the interconnects) do not by any means have low inductance. In fact their inductance is considerably higher than that of most audiophile-oriented cables.

That would make their speaker cables, btw, not a good choice for use with electrostatic speakers such as yours, unless perhaps cable length is short or a slight upper treble rolloff is wanted. The cable's impedance rise in the upper treble region, resulting from that inductance, would (except for short lengths) become significant in relation to the very low impedance electrostatics usually have at high frequencies, attenuating the upper treble at least slightly. With dynamic speakers such as the Vandersteens that Stringreen uses, that would be a non-issue in typical setups.

-- Al
Al, my assumption (in the case of the AC's) is that the user keeps the two runs a reasonable (like 4" or more) distance apart.
06-03-11: Nsgarch
Al, my assumption (in the case of the AC's) is that the user keeps the two runs a reasonable (like 4" or more) distance apart.
Hi Neil,

That will reduce capacitance to extremely low levels, but will actually increase inductance from the already not particularly low value it has when the wires are twisted together.

See the numbers at the bottom of this page.

Best regards,
-- Al
Since when does your hearing deterioration obviate gear differences? Does soundstaging comprehension or perception of tonal subtlety change? No. Note how many pro engineers are over 50...or over 70...mastering geniuses like Bob Ludwig, etc. Some top end goes but that's pretty much it. I can hear gear differences and I've been playing loud guitar since 1967...some tinitus and some top end loss...and ghostly voices inside my head to keep me company.