transparent cable sound signature

i would like to have opinion about the sound of transparent. what is the strengt and the weakness of sound warm or neutral....

my need is a neutral, dynamic and imaged cable
I just added a TA reference speaker cable (I am using one reference IC). To me the two most striking characteristics are (1) articulate and deep bottom end - adding the two cables did more for LF response than my JL 113 subwoofer.
(2) dynamics - piano keys appear to be hit "harder", or guitar strings plucked more aggresively. Makes you listen at lower volume. This is a good thing because the reasone you turn up the volume in the first place was to compensate for a lack of dynamcis.
I use T.A. Ultra speaker cables and have found there best atribute to be bass impact . Also us a M.M. Reference power cord , had a hard time finding a home for it . Ended up with it on the Levinson DAC , I would have to say the power cord was hard to place .
I use the Musicwave Ultra MM2 speaker cables and balanced interconnects (MM1). I find them to help with the soundstaging and lower nose floor.
I use the Musicwave Ultra spesker cables and balanced interconnects. I find them to help with the soundstaging and lower nose floor.
Hello Thenis... To answer your question , I have never felt the Transparent wire is bright . I have used transparent with Mark Levinson , Audio Research and now Ayre , with no sign of brightness at all . I'm not a big fan of there power cords , but I would not call them bright ether .
I also noticed your a new member , welcome to Audiogon !