Replacement for Nordost Cables in my system?


My system is as follows:
VPI Scout/JMW9 (hopefully upgraded to a VPI Classic soon)
Whest PS.30R Phono Stage
Musical Fidelity A5CR Pre Amp
2xMusical Fidelity A3CR Power Amps bi-wired
ProAc D15 Speakers
Nordost Red Dawn Speaker Cable
Nordost SPM/Red Dawn Interconnects

I like my system but I'm a bit disappointed with the slight harshness in the top end, especially in reproduction of sibilance so I'm considering selling my expensive Nordost Cables to replace them with cables that suit my system better. If I spend less then that money would be used for future upgrades.

I listen mostly to Indie and rock/pop
Initial research suggests that VdH may be a better match, any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance.
The most expensive cable I've used is Nordost Red Dawn so I can't speak with any authority. I recently bought Anti-Cables by Paul Speltz speaker cables and am really happy with them. They are very affordable as in dirt cheap. There is a 30-day trial period, and Paul is very accessible. I started with a bi-wire configuration and ended with a parallel configuration with jumpers which Paul suggested. I don't need IC's right now because I'm only using one source with HRS Link cable to integrated, but when I do, I'm planning to buy Paul's IC's. I can tell you that Eichman terminators which I believe Paul offers are superior to standard termination.
Well, interestingly enough, I found that going to the upper end Nordost cables, (i.e. Valhallas), that I actually bettered the treble response of my system. (My amps are just a bit slightly dark sounding, and the Valhalla cables really managed to get every last bit of treble response out of the them. I am very satisfied with the sound that I have now.)

The cables that they replaced are what I am recommending to you though. The Jena Labs Pathfinders are incredible cables. The mid-range is very musical, (more so than the Valhalla cables are actually). However, they seemed to me to be just a touch rolled off in the upper most region of the treble. (And when combined with my amps, this became more than just a touch, as it became more readily apparent.) My friend uses these same cables, and they sound great in his system, with no treble roll off that is at all noticable. (FYI, his amps do not have the slight darkness to them that mine do, so unless your amps are slightly dark sounding, these should work great for you).

My two cents worth.
Good Luck in your search!
I replaced my red dawn with the SPM and have not looked back. Why not just try changing out the Red Dawn and see what that does, it could also be cheaper.
Thanks for the replies.
I'll have a look at the Jena Labs, I live in Europe where it isn't as easy to demo cables at home.
I agree with your impression of the Nordost. I used Blue Heaven, SPM, and Valkyrja with MF A308 and A5 integrated amps, and always thought the top end was somewhat rough. If ProAc makes speaker cables, try them. If they don't, find out the source for their internal wiring, and try cables from that company. Then use interconnects for the final tweeking. This is what I did, and found myself thinking about new music to buy, instead of what to change in the system.