Acoustic Zen Absolute or Audience Au24e?

I was wondering if anyone here has compared AZ Absolute speaker cables and ICs to the Audience Au24e line? I am currently using AZ Matrix Ref II and Silver Ref II ICs and the Hologram II speaker cables but have been thinking an upgrade may be in order with the purchase of my new reference preamp. I would be looking to upgrade at used prices and the Au24e would be somewhat less outlay vs. the Absolutes but price is not the major consideration. I would like more resolution and detail, a lower noise floor and a neutral balance while being musical.
I used Hologram II + Silver RefII, replaced them with AZ Absolute. Different league as some Audiogoners say. Absolute is much smoother, fuller, cleaner, bigger soundstage.....
I have never heard the AZ Absolute, so I cannot comment on those. However, in my system I went from the Hologram II to the Audience Au24e and it was a significant change. The Au24e are fast, detailed, airy, and very musical. Things just sound 'right' with them. I ended up going from all AZ cabling to all Audience cabling in my system and I couldn't be happier. And, as you mentioned, the Audience are very thin and easy to configure. All this with the usual caveat that cabling is very system dependent and everyone's tastes are different.
Latinsamba1, given the price range you`re shopping, have you considered the ASI Liveline speaker cable? It`s stunning in my SET based system. Great reviews at Stereo Times and multiple reviews on 6 Moons. Would likely be very good in your system and quite competitive with the other two cables.
Good Luck,
Thanks for the comments on Audience. As I said the AZ are quite good just want more :) I was figuring I would start with the speaker cables and work my way back to an all Au24e system if I like what I hear.
It's all just wire unless you try MIT...the AVT 1 stuff will absolutely make you freak out! It's light years ahead of plain wire. Try some from Joe at Equus only have everything to gain!